Science of Color
The MoMU for Colour displays several objects from the museum’s collection that present vivid colors found in nature, as well as examples of humans using pigments to color objects. These objects include Egyptian shabtis, glass slags, remarkable agate specimens, and toys designed by the great Alexander Calder.
The panel graphics themselves were intended to present striking colors, such as mummy brown and ultramarine, are represented. It also presents the science of color, such as the electromagnetic spectrum and ways in which animals see color, through compelling imagery.
The activation lesson for the Colour MoMU engages students in seeing and using color. Younger students read a book about the creation of synthetic purple. Older students begin with a session of Visual Thinking Strategies, analyzing the colors of a painting, either a landscape or an abstract.
Students are then guided through the science of color, including how color and language affect how different cultures see colors. The lesson concludes with hands-on pigment creation: students grind up dried bugs to make a bold red paint.
Core Standards
R.PK-12.1, R.PK-12.2, R.PK-12.4, SL.PK-12.1, SL.PK-12.4, SL.PK-12.6, L.PK-12.6
ES Standards
1-2.V.Cr.03, 2.PS.1.1, 2.PS.1.2, 3-4.V.Cr.01, 4.PS.4.2, 5-6.V.Cr.01, 5-6.V.R.9,5.PS.1.4
MS/HS Standards
5-6.V.Cr.01, 5-6.V.R.09, 6.PS.1.8, 6.PS.4.2, 7-8.V.R.08, 8.PS.1.1
F.V.R.08, P.V.Cr.01, P.V.Co.10, HS.PHY.4.1, HSS.WHI.T3.02.H-J