Berkshire History

The Berkshire History MoMU displays several objects with connections to the rich annals of the region, including an electrical transformer, baseball helmet, and ski tow rope.

The panels present the literary legends of the area, famous figures, and innovations such as the Crane Company, and recognize the Muh-he-con-ne-ok people as the indigenous people of Berkshires.

The activation lesson for this MoMU is currently being constructed, and we expect it to be ready in early 2024. Please feel free to inquire about it before then.

The lesson will combine object-based learning with tangible map awareness. In each version, students discover interesting historical events and elements connected to the Berkshires. Lower and middle grades build spatial comprehension, while higher grades engage in rich interpretive discussion, probing deeper thematic questions raised by the objects and the historical connections they raise

To the right is a sampling of potential history standards the activation lesson. Because of it’s object-based nature, there are a bounty of history, science, and art standards to which it could connect. And, because of the broad scope, the program could be amended to your specific class. Please inquire about that specialization!